Driven by passion for improving lives and community through library service, LS&S offers library operation and management services. Focused on service excellence, operational effectiveness and innovation, LS&S creates thriving libraries that are valued community resources.
Library experts partner with community leaders to strategize, develop and deliver excellent library services in alignment with community goals then manage day-to-day library operations with a focus on resource and service optimization. Library staff are supported by back office professionals with decades of experience. This means stronger library service at a lower cost, alleviating the challenge of balancing library spend and service quality. The difference is game changing.
Economies of scale through back office infrastructure, large consortium discounts and best practices in library operation.INNOVATIVE SERVICES
Service delivered in new and different ways - from facility to technology to outreach innovation - tailored to community need.EFFICIENCY
Proven library operation methodology and data-driven decision making maximize budget and staff.LOCAL CONTROL
Governance, oversight and strategic direction informed by community leaders and key stakeholders ensure alignment with community goals.PERFORMANCE ANALYTICS
Proprietary performance management software for strategic budget and resource allocation enables decisions based on data, not instinct.STRATEGIC PLANS & GRANTS
Map to a successful and attainable future through library programs, services and funding opportunities that align with community goals.HR
LS&S human resources professionals focus on identifying, recruiting and retaining staff that meet high standards for library knowledge and patron service. Continuous training is key to efficient library staffing while cross-training offers maximum flexibility and ensures adequate coverage and back-up at all times. Delivering compelling benefits packages, professional development opportunities, a safe and compliant work environment and employee relations support are top priorities for the human resources team.
- Staff recruitment
- Professional development and coaching
- Workforce safety and compliance
- Benefits administration
- Employee relations
Credentialed finance and accounting professionals work closely with library leadership to manage contracts, budgets, spend allocations and expenses. Expertise in financial operations performance and financial planning and analysis simplifies financial management for library leaders and ensures accuracy and predictability.
- Payroll
- Budget management and planning
- Vacancy and expense management
- Vendor discounts and negotiations
- Vendor invoice processing
- Financial reporting
Information technology (IT) professionals with decades of hands-on experience in library operation craft scalable and easy-to-use IT solutions that fit the needs of library patrons and staff. Strategic IT planning transforms libraries into captivating community centers that offer technology resources for all. Partnership with LS&S means large scale purchasing discounts and access to emerging technologies that wouldn't otherwise be available. Data security, connectivity and uninterrupted service are foundational to library IT service.
- Core library technology (ILS, etc.)
- Emerging technology (makerspace, virtual reality, etc.)
- Technology maintenance
- Staff help desk
- Network management and cybersecurity
- Website development and maintenance
Proprietary library analytics platform enables a data driven approach to library operation by providing immediate, real-time insights into library performance data - from collections to circulation and patron engagement to demographics. Library staff can optimize collections and services to better meet patron needs, expand outreach to further engage current and new patrons, and strategically allocate budget and resources to the most impactful areas.
- Specialized library analytics platform
- Real-time visualization of library data
- Discovery of library needs and strengths
- Identification of actionable goals
- Performance monitoring and improvement tracking
- Allocation of resources
Collection Management
By combining decades of collection management experience with insights from a proprietary analytics platform, LS&S' Collection Management Team (CMT) provides library staff with significant efficiencies, cost savings and improved collection performance. Centralized collection management allows valuable staff time to be allocated to direct patron service while the CMT offloads back office processes and vendor relationships. Library collections that meet community needs and reach new users are an LS&S hallmark.
- Budget allocation
- Material discounts
- Collection selection
- Material acquisition, cataloging and processing
- Physical inventory and weeding
Marketing, typically not a focus for libraries due to resource constraints, helps libraries raise visibility and support, drive engagement and reach new patrons. From comprehensive strategic planning to brand and website development, the LS&S marketing team brings decades of experience to optimizing library brands and driving engagement. Online and in person collaboration enables sharing of best practices and successful library marketing programs for LS&S operated libraries to leverage.
- Graphic design
- Patron acquisition and CRM management
- Website design
- Brand identity development
- Strategy and planning
- Social media strategy
- Communication management
Your library. Your community's asset. Our 40+ years of experience and expertise optimizing and operating libraries. The collective goal - strong libraries. A true partnership for success.
Working together to provide excellent library service and innovation for your community while maintaining local ownership of assets and oversight of strategic direction through collaboration, expertise, efficiency and proven operational methods.
Working together to make the most of limited resources and budget, offload back office tasks, simplify decision making, implement best practices, grow through professional development opportunities and connect with a large network of library professionals.
Benefit from locally tailored library collections, programs, services and innovation developed with a national perspective but based on data about community needs and engagement.
Read how communities of all types partner with LS&S to maximize library impact.
Read how to plan a strong and sustainable future for your library with community vitality in mind.
Review commonly asked questions about how LS&S partners with communities to enhance library service.
Explore library jobs across the US that offer excellent employee benefits and career development opportunities.
Every community is unique. Library services should be too. We're here to answer questions and help you understand how the LS&S model can support your community.